Thursday, 24 July 2014

How long the diabetes will Morey humanity?

I am 31 years old and I suffer from diabetes. I know that this disease is not treated, but I want you to give me advice: how to live a normal life, with nothing to eat, so I can survive not only as much as you can in a long time, but to feel fully as all people. Please, if you have the opportunity to post something about how we can help with folk medicine.

Surely it makes sense to repeat that diabetes in translation from Greek means "expiring sugar", it's about an organism that displays along with a large quantity of urine sugar-glucose . This is sugar, which could not be absorbed in two cases

When there is an acute shortage of insulin, the hormone that is produced by the pancreas and process sugar in the blood.
When cells in the body loses sensitivity to insulin and become resistant.

Experienced doctors claim that the food is the only curative factor in the light forms of diabetes. It is even possible with the proper nutrition to overcome and medium forms of this disease, and with greater perseverance can reduce the dose of insulin, and in more severe cases.

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