Thursday, 24 July 2014

Treated In Dentistry For 15 EUR a Year

He specializes in the area of palaeontologist, implantation, surgical dentistry, the laser therapy and x-ray Diagnostics. Here's what he told the expert before the "doctor" on the initiatives to be launch in the field of dentistry in the country.

,what initiatives will lead the Association.
-The Association of Bulgarian dentists in conjunction with the Association of oral implantology initiates the Bulgarian dentists to acquire a degree in oral implantology. This project is proposed to the Ministry of health, where we expect the signature. So far there has been no such specialization at home-it is a very demanding discipline that got her recognition. Bulgarian has the chance to make a request for something unique, which is a characteristic of our country. This raises great interest among our colleagues from Europe and from the world. In addition, jointly with the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) for several years, we're trying to do something for patients who need help, but don't have the opportunity to come to our offices for two reasons. The first is We are ashamed of the plight of the oral cavity, and the second because they don't have the ability to pay for services they want to receive from the specialists in dentistry.

-What is the reason for this?
-In the State has a big scam-this is the health insurance system in that part of dentistry. There it is stipulated that Bulgarian citizen has the right to be treated by a dentist within 14-15 LV. annually. For this amount, however, one cannot get anything-not even a review. At the beginning of the last century of the Bulgarian citizen took up extraction and placement of the seal of the amalgam. But not only with the amalgam to perform definitive treatment because.
in many places is forbidden, rejected and shall not apply

In the Constitution it is written that the person is entitled to free medical care, but it is not realized in dentistry, because a large part of our population has no teeth-especially in children and the elderly. They also have the right of extraction of a tooth and filling, but very often there is no way to physically give them these services.

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